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What will you get for the investment in yourself as an entrepreneur at the Inspiring Lives Mastermind?
March 12, 2016
Westin Convention Center Hotel
8:00 am-5:00 pm
The Morning Session: INSPIRATION
- Network with incredible new colleagues during the Meet and Greet
- Each person will be given 5-8 minutes to do their “Inspiring Lives Talk” which will establish them as the expert in their field and their mission (e.g., mini-TED talks)
- The presentations will be led be the Mastermind participants
- The “Inspiring Lives Talks” will be professionally recorded
- The “Inspiring Lives Talks” will be a focus of the upgrade of com, there will be a link to the talks on the GlobalSisterhoodOnline.org for mass media online marketing (these can be linked to from your own website as well)
- From the audience, you will learn from some of the top ladies in the world (as were featured in Dr. Shellie Hipsky’s international best selling trilogy Common Threads)
- From the stage, you will establish yourself as the go-to person and show the world your mission!
Beverages are included throughout the day and lunch is flexible (in case you want to break off in small groups or partners) and yet we will provide ample suggestions.
The Afternoon Session: MANIFESTATION
- Finish the recordings for the Inspiring Lives Talks
- Independent Goal Setting
- Group Visioning
- Actively determine collaborations to manifest an amazing future making our dreams a reality
- Global Gala red carpet event ticket the Westin Convention Center Hotel:
- 7:30 PM Reception and Silent Auction
- 8:00 PM Global Awards Program
- 8:30 International Fashion Show and Cocktail Party
- 9:00 Salsa dancing and music played by DJ Carlton into the night!
- Discount for room rate ($115 per night)
- Brunch on Sunday is included
- BONUS: The Inaugural Issue of the Inspiring Lives Magazine will have at least a mention of you not a feature on you and your mission for media exposure
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_cta admin_label=”Call To Action” title=”Inspiring Lives Mastermind” url_new_window=”on” button_text=”Register” use_background_color=”on” background_color=”#008d96″ background_layout=”dark” text_orientation=”left” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid” custom_button=”off” button_letter_spacing=”0″ button_use_icon=”default” button_icon_placement=”right” button_on_hover=”on” button_letter_spacing_hover=”0″ button_url=”http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07ec3juwoweadb359c&llr=6r9zc6sab”]